Circus Mirage

Circus Mirage does multimedia performance art involving circus and illusion to bring beauty and magic to life. Circus Mirage sometimes uses artists and musicians from the community and often does events involving audience participation. Kim Keown is an avant-garde performance & multimedia artist.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Jayne During the Pandemic

take over of the camera crew, oh do I have one now?

(This video was a result of a story that my Grandfather told me about a night in WW2. Horrible circumstances create different behavior. This pandemic has altered habits, but regardless, I do not believe it's good to shame people for their alcohol intake. Buzz feed news included a comment by someone made aboutt their aunt and friends who post about "wine time." The writer of the article agreed with the comment calling their behavior "alcoholism." This is a complicated issue that has many causes involving multiple scenarios. Sometimes drinking is healthy and sometimes it isn't, depending on the amount and situation, but shame will not solve the problem if there is one. If that person cared about their aunt, they wouldn't be complaining about her, but finding a way to reach out.)


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