Circus Mirage

Circus Mirage does multimedia performance art involving circus and illusion to bring beauty and magic to life. Circus Mirage sometimes uses artists and musicians from the community and often does events involving audience participation. Kim Keown is an avant-garde performance artist. She also teaches talented youth and adults circus skills. Circus shows are scheduled to allow these students to perform their new skills. Circus Mirage is available to do events.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The scene at the Artist Ball this year. october 16 2010

What one would come upon if one was walking down the street on October 16th, or if one was going to the Artist Ball 2010!
Tricks one might see
The band at work
Cast and Crew portrait: George, Belen, Camilo, Beth, and Kim
Ed and Kim enjoy a moment together after the show outside is finished. 6 eyes each!

All photos of this 2010 Artist Ball are taken by Lori Desantis


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