Circus Mirage

Circus Mirage does multimedia performance art involving circus and illusion to bring beauty and magic to life. Circus Mirage sometimes uses artists and musicians from the community and often does events involving audience participation. Kim Keown is an avant-garde performance artist. She also teaches talented youth and adults circus skills. Circus shows are scheduled to allow these students to perform their new skills. Circus Mirage is available to do events.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 14th 2012 Circus Mirage at Le Cirque JP!


is sponsoring

Le Cirque De JP

on the lawn of the Loring-Greenough House 
1-5pm  Sunday October 14th
Theme: The Night Circus
by Erin Morgenstern
Check out these links for more information!


Circus Mirage's Participatory Circus 

will miraculously appear from 3-5pm, but we need you!

Ever dream of running away with the circus? Well here is your chance to try it out...

learn a trick, clown around, be in the circus band, put on a costume, help out behind the scenes, or just come and watch!


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